February 2020
Dear New Hampshire NP Colleagues,
At NHNPA, we are very proud of our tradition of acknowledging outstanding nurse practitioners (NPs) and supporters. Each year, at our annual conference, NHNPA recognizes individuals for three different awards: NH NP of the Year, Advocate of the Year and Lifetime of Service. Please consider nominating a colleague. You can submit your nominations by February 15th at nhnpa.org/awards.
Have you heard it is an election year?? Not only for the entire country, but two Board positions at NHNPA are open as well. Stay tuned for more details regarding these two important positions!
A word on membership… In New Hampshire, there are approximately 2,600 licensed nurse practitioners. At the time of this writing, 416 NPs are members of NHNPA. This represents a state membership rate of 16%, lower than the national AANP membership rate of 25% (Goolsby and BuBois, 2017).
Why are these numbers important? You’ve heard me say it before: the larger our membership, the louder our voice. It is through this collective voice of the professional organization of NHNPA that NPs have and can influence health policy. In fact, this was exactly how full practice authority in New Hampshire became a reality - nurse practitioners working together, a collective voice, to change a law. Membership and involvement in state and national professional organizations is considered “an ethical expectation” (Goolsby, 2017). Recently, the collective voice of NHNPA has been influential in several legislative initiatives, including: the Primary Care Workforce Coalition, the Governor’s Commission on Drugs and Alcohol, the Commission to Study Environmentally-Triggered Chronic Illness and the PDMP Advisory Council. If you are already a member of NHNPA – thank you! If you are considering membership – here is your call-to-action. Join now at NHNPA.org! We need you on our team!
Another benefit of participation in professional organizations is the ability to network and learn. NHNPA will be doing this in a big way on April 9th and 10th at the Northern New England Nurse Practitioner Conference in Nashua. Last year, over 300 healthcare professionals gathered for informative discussion and education on various clinical, policy and leadership topics. This year is shaping up to be even better. Please visit NHNPA.org to learn more and register. Save money with Early Bird registration through 2/10/20.
If you have not already done so, please take a moment and go to nhnpa.org now to update your membership. From the home page, choose Member Login (if you are a member already). This will take you to the Member Landing Page.
From here, please complete your profile:
Update your contact information, email, photo, employer, and other information.
Renew your membership (if due) and you have the option to choose auto-renewal and change your billing preferences.
Opt-in (or opt-out) of the searchable member directory. This will allow other members to connect with you professionally.
I am honored to be able to serve the nurse practitioners of New Hampshire. Together, we can do great things.
Jennifer Thompson, MS, APRN
Executive Director
New Hampshire Nurse Practitioner Association
[email protected]
NHNPA Board meetings are open to the general NHNPA membership. They are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and usually held in Concord, NH. Please visit NHNPA.org for an updated schedule.