Hello Kim, Your voice on the state of pediatric health care in New Hampshire matters, and we need your help. We are seeking primary care professionaSurvey Opportunity! Current State of Pediatric Behavioral Health in Primary Care
Your voice on the state of pediatric health care in New Hampshire matters, and we need your help.
We are seeking primary care professionals to share their thoughts with us on the current state of pediatric behavioral health in primary care in NH.
Click here to participate in the brief online survey (15-20 minutes)
The survey is open to all primary care professionals working in pediatric and family practice in NH, including administrators.
Your participation is critical to inform future initiatives, helping to ensure that we continue to move forward collectively as a state and not duplicate efforts or repeat lessons already learned by our colleagues.
Lack of access to mental health care for children is a major public health concern in our state. There have been several coordinated and disparate efforts to integrate behavioral health treatment into primary care settings across NH; however, we lack a shared understanding of the current state of these initiatives.
This research (IRB-FY2023-216) is a project of NH Mental Health Care Access in Pediatrics (NH MCAP), established in 2019 and led by the Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) at the University of New Hampshire.
Thank you for joining our efforts to advance mental health care access in pediatrics across New Hampshire.