Call for Nominations

NHNPA is seeking nominations for TWO important positions on our Board of Directors - Vice President and Member-At-Large.  All current members are encouraged to nominate a colleague or to self-nominate.  The nomination application will take less than 5 minutes - we will ask three quick questions about qualifications and prior involvement in NHNPA.  Below you will find brief descriptions about each board position, as they are described in the organization’s by-laws. We have also shared a general overview of the expectations of all our Board members. Nominations will be accepted through April 1, 2020.  If you have any questions about either position please feel free to contact the current Vice President Jillian Belmont ([email protected]).

Click here to make a nomination.  

The Vice President assumes office following the Annual Meeting.  The Vice President shall perform the duties and have the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President.  The Vice President shall perform all the duties commonly incident to the office and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Executive Committee may designate. Convene the first meeting of the nominating committee. 

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Action Required: SB 593 Hearing Scheduled for 2/19/20 10am

NHNPA believes SB 593 should not move forward. Any NP who serves as a PCP and has ever signed their name above the descriptors “Physician” or “Primary Care Physician” to certify any form for a patient should be concerned. If this bill passes, the Board of Medicine (BOM) could sanction APRNs accused of representing themselves as practicing medicine. We are in the process of preparing testimony for the hearing on 2/19 and are in need of relevant stories from our membership. Remember our voice is stronger when we stand together!

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From The Executive Director


February 2020

Dear New Hampshire NP Colleagues,

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Legislative Update

Legislative Update

This week we have the benefit of two updates, one from our lobbyist and a second one from the Chair of the Government Affairs Committee.

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Request from NH Children's Health Foundation - Survey regarding providers practices, knowledge, and attitudes about providing Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC), including IUDs and implants

Request from NH Children's Health Foundation - Survey regarding providers practices, knowledge, and attitudes about providing Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC), including IUDs and implants

I am currently serving as the Board Chair of the New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation. The below request is related to our strategic grantmaking focused on preventing and reducing childhood trauma. Please share with your colleagues so we can get a robust response rate.

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Meet and Greet - Milford

Georgio's | Milford, NH

6:00PM - Presentation & Dinner

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Legislative Update January 17, 2020

NHNPA Legislative Update   January 17, 2020

This was an incredibly busy week in the Legislature. 

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Seeking Award Nominations

Annually, NHNPA recognizes outstanding NP's and supporters who have gone above and beyond to support our profession. Recipients are honored at the Northern New England Nurse Practitioner Conference.  Nominations are accepted year-round. Please consider submitting a nomination for one of our awards.  All nominations for this year will be collected by February 15th and the review committees will meet by March 1st.

NP of The Year - To qualify, the recipient must be: an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Practitioner and a full member in good standing of NHNPA. They should have made a significant contribution to the role of the Nurse Practitioner at the state and/or national level, in the areas of clinical, legislative, education and/or research. 

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Legislative Update

 NHNPA Legislative Update         January 10, 2020

Now that it is the new year, the New Hampshire Legislature has finished the old and rung in the new. The House and Senate met this week to finish 2019 business. The bills that were not ready for passage or to be killed at the end of the 2019 session were worked on over the summer and fall.  Those bills were voted on this week either to move forward in 2020 or to die. The Senate took half a day to finish their business. The House took two full days to finish their business. 

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Meet and Greet: Short Bowel Syndrome


Hooked | Manchester, NH

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Government Affairs Committee

The NH Nurse Practitioner’s Association Government Affairs Committee invites you to an Advocacy training and working meeting for the 2020 NH legislative session. We will be hosting a legislative and advocacy training which all are welcome to attend.

Thursday January 9th 6-8pm at Divine Millimet Offices at 15 North Main Street Suite 300, Concord, NH 03301

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Excellence in Nursing

New Hampshire Magazine, in partnership with the New Hampshire Nurses Association, is now accepting nominations for the 2020 Excellence in Nursing Award. Help us honor the unsung heroes of the state’s healthcare community – those who go above and beyond to comfort, heal and educate – bringing to light how critical nursing is to achieving comprehensive healthcare.

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Dec 11 Meet & Greet


The Centennial Hotel | 96 Pleasant Street | Concord, NH

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Telehealth Survey

The UNH Telehealth Practice Center, an interdisciplinary center for telehealth learning and innovation, is conducting a statewide survey to understand how telehealth is used within the Granite State. We ask that you take 10 minutes of your time to fill out the following survey. By sharing this information from the perspective of your organization, you can help the Telehealth Practice Center provide the resources, trainings, and research necessary to further telepractice as well as increase accessibility to health care in New Hampshire. We would like to hear from a variety of health-related disciplines, and you do not currently have to be engaged in telepractice. These disciplines include, but are not limited to: traditional medical approaches, therapies, school health services, rehabilitation, counseling, community social services, and other programs related to social determinants of health. Please note that there are some questions specific to Information Specialists as we are trying to understand the broadbands. If you are an Information Specialist, you will be directed to a separate survey after the initial question. We are trying to understand broadband needs across New Hampshire.

Click here to access the survey.

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Meet and Greet: Outpatient Billing for NPs - Manchester

The Foundry | 50 Commercial Street | Manchester, NH
5:30 Registration | 6:00 Presentation & Dinner
Topic: Outpatient Billing for NPs
Presenter: Diane DeSantis from New England Accounts Receivable Management Inc.
RSVP by emailing [email protected]
NHNPA Regional Coordinator: Meaghan O'Leary 


Legislative Update Sept. 27, 2019

New Hampshire state capitol buildingFall is here and the Legislature is back at work on retained and re-referred bills after a nice break. The Governor, House, and Senate Leadership have finally come to a resolution for a final budget and it has passed. As you know in June, the House and the Senate passed a  budget that they both agreed upon. The Governor, as predicted, vetoed the budget. The House and Senate then passed a continuing resolution that would allow the State to operate for 3 months under the FY 19 budget dollars. That continuing resolution was expiring at the end of September so the pressure was on to find a compromise; otherwise, the NH State Government would shut down. Are we really becoming Washington? The House and Senate both met on September 19th for veto day and were assuming they would also have a new budget bill. The Democrats tried to bring in a new budget bill on veto day, however, since neither the Governor nor the Republican leadership was part of the drafting of the new Democratic budget, they refused to vote to let the new budget bill be introduced. The clock was ticking. The House and Senate decided to come back in session on September 25th hoping to avert a crisis and hoping the Governor, House, and Senate leadership could find a workable budget compromise. The rumors were flying as there still seemed to be no resolution. It was almost the 13th hour on Tuesday night, the 24th when the Governor, House, and Senate negotiators finally reached an agreement. Now the chore was to convince the House and Senate to allow a new budget bill to be introduced which means a 2/3rds vote of all present. Then they only needed a majority vote of the House and Senate to pass the compromise budget. With a little theatre from the ultra-conservatives who did not like the compromise budget, the new budget and trailer bill, HB 3 and HB 4, passed both the House and Senate with only a few "no" votes. We have a budget. It is not retroactive, however.  

What is in the new budget of interest to Nurse Practitioners?:

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Call to Action - CMS Student Documentation Proposed Rule

 Monday, July 29, 2019, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the proposed rule for the calendar year 2020 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.

 “To reduce burden, we are proposing broad modifications to the documentation policy so that physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, and certified nurse-midwives could review and verify (sign and date), rather than re-documenting, notes made in the medical record by other physicians, residents, nurses, students, or other members of the medical team.” 

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Nominations are open for the 2020 AANP State Award for Excellence

AANP logo

  Nominations are now open for the prestigious 2020 AANP State Award for Excellence. To be considered for the 2020 awards, nominations must be submitted electronically to AANP on the official 2020 State Award Nomination Form no later than October 14, 2019. Thank you in advance for taking the time to nominate deserving nurse practitioners (NPs) and advocates.

Claire Martin Memorial Scholarship - deadline extended.

NHNPA has extended the deadline to apply for the annual Claire Martin Memorial Scholarship to October 11, 2019.  Applications can be submitted at  Please see eligibility criteria below:

The Claire Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund will be funded as follows:

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NPs in Telehealth

Dear NP Colleagues,

I am writing an abstract on telehealth services for next spring's NHNPA conference. I’d like to include a panel of NPs who are currently providing telehealth services in NH to talk about their experience. If you are providing telehealth services, are interested in participating on a panel or in learning more about this presentation, please contact [email protected]Thanks. 

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