With hundreds of bills before the NH legislature this session, you may be wondering how does our NHNPA leadership decides when and how to engage in the state's legislative process. Our staff, consultants, and members have decades of experience navigating the NH State Government including the legislative and executive branches. Our team includes recognized leaders in both the state and Nation's capitol. Through our advocacy work, we are engaged in: legislation, rulemaking, administrative hearings, and licensure and regulatory matters. NHNPA is also represented on a wide-rage of legislative commissions through appointed seats.
Protecting and enhancing the scope of practice for NPs and ensuring legislative and cultural environments that empower NPs to be leaders in healthcare are our key priorities. We further believe that NPs can provide an important and valuable perspective in shaping all health policy in addition to the healthcare decisions of individual patients. We strongly believe that NHNPA and NPs should be at every table where these decisions are being made!